Open with Care – Improving care home residents’ contact and connection – moving to and past Level 0
As per the First Ministers announcement on Tuesday 13th July, Scotland will move into Level 0 on 19th July. The recommended relaxations to restrictions at Level 0 within care homes are detailed in the letter below. For those care homes already in level 0 these recommendations can be implemented immediately and those care homes who are moving into level 0 can take effect from Monday 19th July 2021.
Key points are:
- Care homes are encouraged to increase opportunities for good quality and meaningful contact with a return towards more normalised visiting
- Physical distancing reduces to 1m indoors and changes outdoors. This applies to visiting and communal activities
- Day care services operating in care home settings supported to resume.
Care Homes – Testing update for staff and visitors
You will no doubt be aware that a letter on testing was issued to adult care homes on Tuesday 13th July, setting out arrangements for increased care home discretion on the location of lateral flow testing (LFD) for family and friends, visitors and for staff.
Key points are:
- Family/friend care home visitors – discretion to allow LFD testing at home where tests are collected through the community testing route.
- Care home staff – discretion to allow staff one LFD test per week at home using LFD test kits approved for self-test at home once available
- All results for visitors and staff should be recorded at Welcome – COVID Testing Portal (
This letter will be uploaded to the following webpage on Friday 16th July: Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult care home lateral flow device testing – (
Last Updated on 1st February 2022 by Shanice