Please see below letter from Ian Turner, Scottish Government, regarding the Social Care Staff Support Fund.
This confirms that the Social Care Support Fund will be extended until 31 March 2023.
Letter from Ian Turner - SCSSFPlease see below letter from Ian Turner, Scottish Government, regarding the Social Care Staff Support Fund.
This confirms that the Social Care Support Fund will be extended until 31 March 2023.
Letter from Ian Turner - SCSSFThe Covid-19 guidance for pregnant employees is available on:
Healthcare Improvement Scotland and the Care Inspectorate are hosting two sessions to engage with staff who work in care homes for adults and older people and to garner their feedback on the draft IPC standards which were published on 12 October 2021.
There will be an opportunity at both sessions to hear from Marie Paterson, Chief Inspector, Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland on the journey to develop new IPC standards that will be mandatory in all care homes across Scotland once finalised. In all other social care services, the agreed IPC standards will be deemed as good practice.
Friday 26 November 10:00 – 11:30
This particular session is open to all staff who work in care homes for older people. Click here to register.
If you are a member of staff that works in a care home for adults (not older people) then please see the scheduled session on Friday 3 December at 10am.
Friday 3 December 10:00 – 11:30
This particular session is open to all staff who work in care home for adults (not older people). Click here to register.
If you are a member of staff that works in a care home for older people then please see the scheduled session on Friday 26 November 2021.
Feedback on the draft standards can also be submitted through Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s IPC standards online survey which can be found here
Feedback from this session and the online survey tool will be used to inform the final IPC standards. It is anticipated that final IPC standards will be published by June 2022.
What happens next?
The sessions will be held using the Microsoft Teams platform. To ensure the event is as accessible as possible, please contact [email protected]Â to let us know of any requirements you may have when you sign up for your place.
The workshop programme and joining instructions will be emailed out to all registered participants one week before the session from [email protected]
We hope that you will be able to attend.
Further information
The implementation of agreed IPC standards will be key in reducing the risk of infections in health and social care in Scotland. By outlining a national minimum level of service, IPC standards set out a common and current benchmark of quality for organisations and regulated care services to:
Standards enable organisations to quality assure their IPC practice and embed many of the IPC principles set out in the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual and the Infection Prevention and Control Manual for older people and adult care homes as the standards have been developed to align with the manual.
Open with Care – Improving care home residents’ contact and connection – moving to and past Level 0
As per the First Ministers announcement on Tuesday 13th July, Scotland will move into Level 0 on 19th July. The recommended relaxations to restrictions at Level 0 within care homes are detailed in the letter below. For those care homes already in level 0 these recommendations can be implemented immediately and those care homes who are moving into level 0 can take effect from Monday 19th July 2021.
Key points are:
Care Homes – Testing update for staff and visitors
You will no doubt be aware that a letter on testing was issued to adult care homes on Tuesday 13th July, setting out arrangements for increased care home discretion on the location of lateral flow testing (LFD) for family and friends, visitors and for staff.
Key points are:
This letter will be uploaded to the following webpage on Friday 16th July: Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult care home lateral flow device testing – (
Dear Colleagues
The Scottish COVID Testing Support Helpline is now part of a portfolio of helpline services offered by The National Contact Tracing Centre (NCTC).
Issues and queries may be submitted to the Scottish COVID Testing Support Helpline:
Kind Regards
COVID Pandemic Response Team
The Care Inspectorate have introduced a new notification which enables services to tell them about changes to staffing levels and what additional staffing they require.
This red, amber and green system will enable them to direct you to available help and support you may urgently need in order to cope with the impact of COVID-19 on your service.
It is essential that you use the notification to let the Care Inspectorate know about any changes in the staffing situation in your care service.
Full information, including when and how to notify, is available here –Â
The Easter bank holiday weekend is an important time for many. This year we need to be doing things differently.
Restrictions on visits to care homes and to individuals in their own homes (unless providing care) MUST remain in place and only essential travel can take place.
Gifts, cards and presents are fine to receive but please follow strict infection control procedures, including isolation of items for a period of time. Â Please follow the advice on NHS Inform.
We recognise that this weekend, more than ever, many people will be feeling the strain of being apart from loved ones . It is essential that we are supporting people as much as possible to remain socially connected to activities and loved ones in order to support their wellbeing.
Useful resources:
Please also consider how staff wellbeing can be supported, as they too will may be struggling with being separated from friends and relatives and of working extremely hard in challenging circumstances.
Useful resources:
Have a safe and happy Easter in these strange and difficult times.
The Care Inspectorate and Scottish Government recognise the financial and other pressures that providers of care services are currently under. To support service providers and assist with alleviating cash flow problems service providers are encountering at this difficult time the Care Inspectorate will delay the collection of continuation of registration fees due by care services until July 2020. We will review this position again in June 2020 before any fee collections are made.
This will mean care service providers need not pay any balance of the fees due for the 2019/20 financial year until July 2020.
Service providers normally due to receive fee invoices in April 2020 will not receive an invoice for the 2020/21 financial year until July 2020 (position subject to review in June 2020).
We are happy to make arrangements with service providers that would prefer not to defer the balance of 2019/20 fees. We are issuing more detailed guidance directly to care service providers.
Fee for Applying to Register a Care Service
We have an emergency truncated registration process in place to ensure a care service set up on a temporary basis as a response to the coronavirus crisis can operate legally. We are not charging an application to register or any other fees to these temporary services.
Individuals or organisations applying to register a permanent care service will follow our normal registration process and be liable to pay an application to register fee.
Care services may find, in cases where there is no next of kin, that the responsibility for registering a death of someone in their care falls to them. Tell Us Once is a service that lets you report a death to most government organisations in one go. The service is available in all councils across England, Scotland and Wales.
Tell Us Once can notify organisations including:
If you are registering a death with a registrar in your capacity as a care home manager, official informant, next of kin or relative:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is now available through the triage centre for ALL of the following criteria:
Please contact the triage centre with any requests via the phone number 0300 303 3020.
Please do not contact local hubs for new supply requests – you should contact the triage centre in the first instance who will then advise of local arrangements.
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