› Our Vision
A Scottish voice for care providers, their workforce and people who access care and support
Scottish Care is a membership organisation and the representative body for independent social care services in Scotland.
If you would like to become a member of Scottish Care please complete an application and a member of the team will be in touch shortly with more information.
Scottish Care represents around 350 organisations, which totals almost 900 individual services, delivering residential care, nursing care, day care, care at home and housing support services.
Our membership covers private, not for profit and charitable provider organisations. It includes organisations of varying types and sizes, amongst them single providers, small and medium sized groups, national providers and voluntary organisations and associations.
Our members deliver a wide range of registered services for older people and those with long term conditions, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, dementia or mental health problems.
The Scottish independent social care sector contributes to:
- The employment of over 103,000 people, which is more than half of the total social services workforce, including approximately 5,000 nurses
- 75.5% of all care services, 84.6% of all care at home services and 85.9% of all care home services for older people.
Scottish Care is committed to supporting a quality orientated, independent sector that offers real choice and value for money. Our aim is to create an environment in which care providers can continue to deliver and develop the high quality care that communities require and deserve.
Our objectives are:
- To develop a positive partnership with key stakeholders
- To support members in key areas of business and professional activity
- To effectively lobby, negotiate and represent the sector
- To ensure providers’ ability to develop and deliver quality care services
We are keen that the value of high quality independent care services is understood by commissioners, key partners, people who use services and their families. Providers need to be seen as real partners, respected, treated fairly and be contributing to the strategic direction of integrated social and health care services.
We are clear that care services must be fairly funded and public care service funding sustained at a level which meets the true cost of providing a safe and quality service for all. The public care sector workforce must also have access to appropriate support, training and a fair wage.
Annual Report 2023/24
The ‘Activities and Achievements‘ section provides a business overview of Scottish Care: our aim and objectives, strategic priorities, and additional workstreams. It also covers what we have achieved over the past year, outlining the activities of our strategic priorities and workstreams.
The ‘Finance and Governance‘ section gives detailed reporting of our financial performance and outlines our approach to overall governance via the Executive Committee and other representative groups.
As a member of Scottish Care you have the advantage of being part of a member organisation that represents 85% of independent sector care homes and over 50% of independent sector care at home and housing support services.
The following are some of the benefits you can expect through being a Scottish Care member:
- Scottish Care works closely with partner organisations at strategic and practice levels on behalf of the membership to ensure that they can influence and be part of decision making processes. These include the Scottish Government, Care Inspectorate, Scottish Social Services Council and COSLA
- We support members in their dealings with the Care Inspectorate and local commissioners to promote positive practices
- We regularly issue members with up to date information regarding Scottish Care projects, good practice, events, publications, etc
- We produce guidance and resources to support members in relation to relevant policy and practice developments
- We host various information and development events focused on topics which concern members
- We host local branch meetings throughout Scotland for care homes, as well as care at home and housing support. These meetings are led and chaired by the membership and support the local membership to manage their own agenda. These take place up to 4 times a year
- We produce a magazine which is sent out to members on a quarterly basis
- We manage growing social media platforms and forums where members can seek advice, give feedback and share good practice with Scottish Care and other members
- We respond to partner consultation exercises on behalf of Scottish Care members and ensure that members are part of influencing the direction of many policy and practice areas
- Scottish Care has developed a strong evidence base in relation to the independent sector, including various reports, which are recognised and used at a national level
- Scottish Care is closely involved with partner organisations across the UK, Ireland and further afield, sharing intelligence and information to support the independent sector
- We host two national conferences each year with award ceremonies for care homes and care at home / housing support services
- Scottish Care operates a Preferred Supplier network through which members can access products and services, often with the added benefit of saving money and getting a bespoke service which is focused on the social care sector.