The Scottish Government and COSLA are looking for your views to help predict and address recruitment and retention challenges in the Social Care sector.
They are undertaking extensive fieldwork and a series of on-line surveys are central to this. There is a survey for employers to complete and it is available by clicking on this link: Employer survey
It should take about 15 minutes to complete, and is completely confidential.
The information gathered in this survey will inform the National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan and marketing recruitment campaigns for the Social Care and Early Learning and Childcare sectors.
There is also a survey for Social Care and ELC employees. This will gather the views of employees on what encouraged them to join the sector, what motivates them to stay and what their future intentions are. If you work in Social Care or ELC, or if you are an employer who can circulate the following link to your employees, please follow – or share -this link: Employee survey
This survey is completely confidential, and should only take about 10 minutes to complete.
The findings from all the research will help ensure that Social Care and ELC employers have the workforce they need going forward.
The surveys will close at 5pm on 17th May
Last Updated on 3rd May 2019 by Scottish Care