Tickets are now available for our third technology event ‘Care Tech 3’ – ‘Tech that Cares: making tech personal in COVID social care and beyond‘ which is scheduled for Friday 28 August 2020.
The event will take place virtually and will bring together a range of perspectives to discuss developments and impacts of technology, particularly during COVID-19, and the future potential of technology across the Scottish social care sector.
The event will feature a range of panel discussion and opportunities to hear the latest developments around technology in social care.
Please see below for a outline of the programme on the day, a fuller programme will be available shortly.
‘Tech that Cares’ Programme Outline
Panel Theme 1: Technology journeys in care homes and homecare services
The rapid increase and take-up of technology during COVID19 has required the social care sector to embrace change in practice at an unprecedented pace. The use of technology and digital has affected many aspects of social care including ways of working, productivity, connection and communication, and wellbeing of staff and people supported. This panel will focus on the role of technology in care homes and homecare services to understand the journey of technology and digital in these contexts to date, what this has meant in practice for care delivery and what this all means for the future.
Panel Theme 2: Technology for social connection in social care
In a world and at a time when relationship and connection seem to be all the more important there are those in our communities who are dis-connected and alone. COVID19 and the imposed lockdown has deeply impacted thousands of individuals and created for them a sense of loneliness and isolation. It is becoming evident that this has had and continues to have a profound impact on mental health and wellbeing. In this panel, we discuss the ways groups and organisations have been responding and developing innovative ways using technology and digital to support connection and social wellbeing. Specifically, we consider the role of technology in sustaining individual and collective wellbeing across social care: how can they foster creative connections to everyday activities and routines, promote enjoyment and provide sanctuary at a time when the comfort of physical connection and human touch are limited?
Panel Theme 3: Tech-enabled care in a COVID social care and beyond
The past few months have seen an exponential shift in the acceleration of the design, development and implementation of technology and digital solutions for care. Many barriers to access and implementation have been removed and new partnerships have emerged. At the same time, the social care sector has seen a shift in mindset and confidence around the use and potential for technology and digital. This panel will share many of these developments towards a technology-enabled social care, reflecting on the facilitators of innovation and the potential of these solutions in a COVID social care and beyond. Panellists will share their insights on the future technology and digital landscape of social care and offer reflections on how we can enable innovation capacity across the sector.
Last Updated on 26th August 2020 by Shanice