On Wednesday 10th February 2021, the Scottish Government is launching the second phase of its Adult Social Care campaign, “There’s More to Care Than Caring”. The campaign aims to promote the adult social care sector as a valued, meaningful and rewarding career destination. You can find more information about the campaign at CaretoCare.scot. For the stakeholder toolkit, including promotional materials visit CaretoCare.scot/stakeholder-resources/
From 9th February 2021, as part of the campaign, the Scottish Government is offering private and third sector organisations the opportunity to advertise their adult social care vacancies on the myjobscotland website at no cost, for a period of three months. Organisations will receive help and advice from the myjobscotland team to promote their vacancies in the best way possible, including setting up a page for their organisation, instruction for posting vacancies and ongoing help for any questions throughout the process.
To extend the reach of adverts further, a new Adult Social Care section will be created on the myjobscotland website where visitors can see details of vacancies within the sector alongside organisation’s logos and the number of positions available for each post. There will be a panel on the homepage of myjobscotland which will direct visitors to the campaign creative (myjobscotland.gov.uk/social-care).
Should organisations wish to proceed with this offer, they can do so by following this link: mjs.jobs/caretocare.
Last Updated on 16th February 2021 by Shanice