Are you interested in taking community action to improve people’s experiences of death, dying, loss and care?
Are you or do you want to get involved in practical work to build compassion in your own community?
The Truacanta Project is seeking expressions of interest now!
Find out more information and express your interest:
View the Project flyer
The Trucuanta Project is an exciting new initiative that will work with communities to develop projects around improving people’s experiences of deteriorating health, death, dying and bereavement. After an initial application process, up to four communities from across Scotland will receive dedicated community development advice and support for two years.
Expressions of interest are now being accepted until 15/06/19
A shortlisted number of interested communities will then be supported to put together a more detailed application to be part of the project
Further information:
The Truacanta Project, Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care, CBC House, 24 Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EG
Tel: 0131 272 2735
Facebook: LifeDeathGrief
Instagram: @lifedeathgrief
Last Updated on 24th May 2019 by Scottish Care