Take part in Scottish Care nursing research

Recruitment and retention difficulties have reached a critical point within the nursing home and the social care nursing sector.  Why do nurses come into the sector and what makes them stay?

Throughout August and September, Scottish Care would like to speak to front line nurses about both their experiences and perceptions of the nursing home/social care nursing sector.


We want to explore in more detail the qualities and skills front line nurses need and what we can do to improve the profile of this difficult, demanding and rewarding job.   We also want to find out what motivates them in their day-to-day activities.

The intention is to create a resource of stories that can be used to help organisations shape their approach in areas such as recruitment and retention or workforce engagement.

Scottish Care will use the findings of this work to explore how we can attract more nurses to work in nursing homes and social care nursing – and how we can encourage them to stay.


We have therefore contacted ALL members of Scottish Care, and especially those who have been engaged recently through the Front Line Support Worker Strategy Forum and the Scottish Care Workforce Development Strategy Group to let you know about our latest initiative designed to help address the pressing issues around recruitment and retention of nurses in our sector.

Scottish Care would like to carry out interviews for roughly half an hour (by phone or in person) with people working in front line nursing posts in a variety of care home, care at home or housing support settings. We are keen to establish a national picture and take into account small and large providers including all volunteers but this depends on how many come forward. If you are not selected the research will, of course, still be available to you.

The study will take place between now and the end of September, with findings presented at the Scottish Care Annual Care Home and Conference Awards event on Friday 18th November 2016  at the Hilton Hotel, Glasgow.

If you are:

  • A qualified nurse interested in taking part in the study and can provide an appropriate management contact in your organisation

  • An employer/manager wishing to get your organisation involved and think you have nurses willing to be interviewed.

    Then please contact  Katharine Ross noting your interest before Friday 19th August 2016 at the email address below or by phone.


If you would like further information please don’t hesitate to contact:

Katharine Ross – Workforce Lead, Scottish Care

07427 615880

[email protected]


We look forward to hearing from you!

Last Updated on 3rd August 2016 by Scottish Care

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