Scottish Care Front Line Support Worker Strategy Forum

Scottish Care is committed to progressing front line workforce engagement and involvement in local and national discussions and consultations.

Following on from the launch of ‘Voices from the Front Line’ in February, we have been identifying how we can progress the recommendations made in this report.

Over the coming months we are progressing the following:

  • Front Line representation in ALL Scottish Care consultation groups and forums, including the new Care at Home/Housing Support Reform Group and the Care Home Reform Group
  • Reviewing the critical role of the front line support worker and promote their contribution in an integrated health and social care setting
  • Involve front line support workers in Scottish Government forums
  • Exploring successful career pathways and design to support recruitment and retention
  • Undertake a study designed to promote the image of social care as a career

We also want to grow our learning network and are currently inviting more organisations and stakeholders to get involved in this important group.  Please contact [email protected] for more information.

We have also planned two engagement events this year.  The first will be taking place on Wednesday 21st September 12.15pm – 4.30pm at the Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JP.

The event is entitled ‘Exploring the Wellbeing, Skills and Ambitions of the Front Line Workforce in Scotland’.

More information about how to book your place at this event will be coming out over the coming weeks.  We would very much encourage you to send members of your front line support workforce to this important event.