Supporting workforce development for self-directed support

SSSC’s work is supporting the social service workforce to build local skills and capacity for change.

A new evaluation report of the Scottish Social Services Council’s work has been published as part of the Self-Directed Support (SDS) Workforce Development Project.

The report highlights how the workforce is having to negotiate significant tensions between new and existing ways of working. However, change cannot come from the practice of individuals alone. We need significant shifts throughout the system to effectively implement SDS.

Workforce development programmes need to make sure the workforce is ready for and can sustain complex change. Workers meet considerable challenges in day-to-day work so workforce development needs to be human and help them get through their working day.

The Scottish Government SDS policy team said:

‘This report recognises the barriers and complexity in implementing self-directed support and highlights learning and support on how to work through these complexities.  It has relevance across the health and social care workforce.

‘It is important that the learning from this report is distilled and shared to support choice and control for people who rely on care and support.’

The critical friend evaluation report can be accessed here:

Last Updated on 20th June 2016 by Scottish Care

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