Scottish Care Statement in response to recent media:
Dr Donald Macaskill, CEO Scottish Care commented:
“The way in which we fund social care is critical to creating Scotland into a place which we all want to grow old in. Scottish Care has for some time been calling on all political parties to get around the table and establish an Independent Commission on Funding Social Care. This is an urgent task. In order to maximise the benefits of having people live longer, to build on the potential of health and social care integration, and to address the crisis in social care service sustainability we need to start urgently to plan for our future.
The Which report highlighting the lack of planning people make for their future and the potential of a Care ISA south of the border add even greater urgency to this debate.
If we are to continue to have and to further develop high quality rights based care for all our older citizens in Scotland then we need to start planning. The alternative is to sleep walk into a future where those who can afford to will purchase high quality care and those who cannot will be left with a poorly funded, resource drained, lesser alternative.”
Last Updated on 20th August 2018 by Scottish Care