The Scottish Government is developing Scotland’s first Data Strategy for Health and Social Care. This strategy will be built on the belief that people should have access to and control over their own health and care data– including medical records, test results and care plans.
Data is central to our health and social care systems. Collecting, sharing and analysing data effectively can help to improve the services.
The new data strategy will outline how health and care services can be better integrated and built on people-centred approaches.
Scottish Government want to hear from care home and care at home providers to help shape the development of the data strategy, and it is important that your needs are included at this early stage.
Please join us for a MS Teams call, 2.00-3.30pm on the 16th of February.
You will be asked to respond to questions around –
- how you access and share the data you need
- what support you would require to work with data more effectively
- if and how you use external data to help with service delivery and planning
If you are interested in taking part in this session, please email [email protected] to register your interest and we will send you a Microsoft Teams invite directly.
Last Updated on 28th February 2022 by Shanice