Since 2016, work has been underway across Scotland to integrate health and social care services in line with the requirements of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.
Evidence is emerging of good progress in local systems which has also meant that independent sector providers have been more involved and engaged. However this has been patchy at best.
The pace and effectiveness of integration need to increase. At a health debate in the Scottish Parliament on 2 May 2018, the then Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport undertook that a review of progress by Integration Authorities would be taken forward with – the Ministerial Strategic Group for Health and Community Care.
Scottish Care has been pleased to be involved in this review of Health and Social Care Integration by having membership of the group through our CEO Dr Donald Macaskill.
The purpose of this review is to help ensure we increase our pace in delivering all of the objectives at the heart of integration.
A report has been published which draws together the group’s proposals for ensuring the success of integration.
Commenting on the publication Dr Macaskill stated:
“The success of integration is central to achieving positive outcomes for those who use both health and social care services. I am pleased that the independent care sector has been recognised as a critical player in achieving this success.
Care home, care at home and housing support providers from the independent sector will continue to engage constructively and to work collaboratively with our statutory partners to achieve the real change we all want to see happen.”
Last Updated on 6th February 2019 by Scottish Care