Scottish Care Manifesto 2021

Scottish Care is publishing our Manifesto April 07, 2021 with our key priorities for the next Government, ahead of the Scottish Parliamentary Elections on May 06, 2021.

Our Manifesto echoes the call in the Feeley report for a Social Care Covenant – an agreement of and for social care that places the dignity of individuals at the heart of decision-making and at the forefront of a more inclusive social care future that recognises its distinctive role in supporting the wellbeing of individuals to live an independent and healthy life of their choice.

Given the particular hardships faced by the care home and home care sectors in the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have considered the areas in which those accessing care, the workforce and providers would benefit most. We must consider the support that people need as we recover from the effects of the pandemic and how we can deliver that given the new challenges as Scotland exits lockdown.

We have outlined eight areas of focus where we present a future change landscape for social care in Scotland. The Manifesto shares the key areas of focus with accompanying actions towards realising a positive future for the independent social care sector in Scotland.

The Manifesto was developed with input from our members, partners and people who use social care supports. We thank them for their involvement in this work.

Karen Hedge, National Director says:

“We are at a standpoint for social care. The pandemic has highlighted the potential of the sector; the agility of our providers and the dedication and skill of our workforce. This, coupled with the Review of Adult Social Care, has changed parameters and expectations of the sector making the forthcoming election a critical opportunity to address the 8 areas of focus outlined by Scottish Care in their Social Care Covenant, so that we can get this right for the people of Scotland.”

Last Updated on 12th April 2021 by Shanice