Scottish Care, the representative body for Scotland’s independent social care services, is publishing a new report which shares their vision for social care data. This report will be launched on the final day (Thursday 17 June) of their virtual Care at Home and Housing Support Conference.
The conference, ‘Homecare Festival’ – is a three-day event that brings people together from across the care at home and housing support sector to share their experiences and plan for the future of home care.
The report titled ‘Seeing the diamond in social care data’ brings together findings from a series of data forums hosted by Scottish Care and involved colleagues from across the social care sector, industry, academia and government.
Scotland is data-rich but intelligence poor, whilst fragmented data collection, standards and access in social care have made data hard to navigate. The report highlights the importance of a human rights-based perspective, enabling people to have control over their data and how it is shared to initiate care and support on their own terms. Scottish Care seeks a vision where data is person-led; is based on the needs, wishes and aspirations of people for their care and support, informs the design of services and planning and the resulting indicators of performance and success.
Karen Hedge, National Director of Scottish Care commented:
“For too long, the fragments of social care data have been drivers acting on behalf of the social care system rather than on behalf of those who access social care and support. Implementing the principles and vision contained within this report, would completely turn that on its head and put the individual in control. In addressing the fragmentation, it also allows for better use of resources by enabling better coordination for planning and delivery.”
Last Updated on 1st July 2021 by Shanice