Scottish Care Branch Meetings (Ayrshire & West of Scotland)

Upcoming branch meetings for Scottish Care members

Both featuring important information on the new Health & Social Care Standards.

Ayrshire / Lanarkshire Care at Home/Housing Support branch meeting
Tuesday 13th February, 2pm
Constance Care offices in Thornliebank, 1 Spiersbridge Way, Glasgow G46 8NG.
This meeting is open for all Care at Home & Housing Support providers from Glasgow, East Renfrewshire, Renfrewshire, Pan Ayrshire, North and South Lanarkshires,  Argyll and Bute, East and West Dunbartonshire  and surrounding areas.

Key speaker is Claire Drummond, Service Manager (Adults) with the Care Inspectorate, who will outline the new Health and Social Care Standards that are being introduced this April.  These will replace the current National Care Standards which means this is a meeting you cannot afford to miss.

Of particular interest to members will be an insight into the new inspection methodology that the Care Inspectorate will adopt with the aim of better reflecting the standards that they will be looking for during inspections.

Venue address:

Constance Care


1 Spiersbridge Way,

Glasgow G46 8NG

Please contact Swaran Rakhra [email protected] to confirm attendance.  Maximum of two per organisation due to the size of the venue.



West of Scotland Care Home branch meeting
Tuesday 27 February 2018 , 2pm
Royal Blind Care Home, Paisley
You are invited to Scottish Care’s West of Scotland Branch (covering Argyll & Bute, West and East Dunbartonshires, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire) and Glasgow Branch joint meeting for care home members being held in conjunction with the Care Inspectorate.

Key speaker is Claire Drummond, Service Manager (Adults) with the Care Inspectorate, who will outline the new Health and Social Care Standards that are being introduced this April. These will replace the current National Care Standards which means this is a meeting you cannot afford to miss.

Of particular interest to members will be an insight into the new inspection methodology that the Care Inspectorate will adopt with the aim of better reflecting the standards that they will be looking for during inspections.

Venue address:

The Royal Blind Care Home

Jenny’s Well

196 Hawkhead Road

Paisley PA2 7BS

Last Updated on 5th February 2018 by Scottish Care

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