Healthcare Improvement Scotland publish Pressure Ulcers Standards




Healthcare Improvement Scotland publication of final Standards for the Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers


Healthcare Improvement Scotland have just announced publication of the final Standards for the Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers. These are the first standards in Scotland to apply across all health and social care and are supported by the Care Inspectorate. Pressure ulcers can affect anyone regardless of age or care setting and everyone has a role to play in the prevention of pressure ulcers.


The aim of the standards is to ensure that anyone with a pressure ulcer, or at risk of developing one, receives high quality care and support no matter where the care is received for example, hospitals, care homes or being cared for at home.


The standards cover:

  • Risk assessment for pressure ulcers
  • Care planning for prevention and treatment
  • Education and training for health and social care professionals, and individuals receiving care.


The standards and consultation feedback report are available from the Healthcare Improvement Scotland website HERE.


If you would like to contact the standards team at Healthcare Improvement Scotland please find the project team details below:


Jen Layden – [email protected] or

Karen Grant – [email protected]


Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Delta House | 50 West Nile Street | Glasgow | G1 2NP

t: 0141 225 6897 ext 8596

Last Updated on 30th September 2016 by Scottish Care

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