Palliative and end of life care workforce survey NES SSSCÂ
Dear colleagues
As part of the Strategic Framework for Action for Palliative and End of Life Care, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) were asked to develop an education and development framework.
With the integration of health and social care we have a shared commitment to the learning and development of the diverse workforce across the public, third and independent sector. This survey is one part of a learning needs assessment across the workforce. We are also gathering valuable information through focus groups and staff engagement about existing skills and knowledge in the workforce, the extent and value of current learning opportunities and the opportunities for collaborative working and learning.
We would be grateful if you could disseminate this survey widely across your organisation and networks to all workers in health and social care, including specialist and generalist, clinical and non-clinical, who may be involved or come in contact with people with palliative care needs, their families and carers.
The survey can be accessed by following this link
Alternative ways to access the survey are provided in the attached poster which can be displayed on staff notice boards, newsletters and in your staff communications.
This survey will be open until the 19th October 2016.
Thank you for your support.
Katharine Ross
National Workforce Development Lead
Last Updated on 29th August 2016 by Scottish Care