NHS Education for Scotland and the Scottish Social Services Council are presently carrying out a survey on palliative and end of life care needs.
All workers, including specialist and generalist, clinical and non-clinical, in health and social care who have contact with people with palliative care needs, those nearing the end of life or who are dying are asked to take part in this survey. Your feedback will inform the development of an education and development framework for Palliative and End of Life Care for the health and social services workforce in Scotland. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. You do not have to share your name or any personal information in this survey. Survey results will be summarised and shared at regional and national level.
The closing date for the survey is the 19th of October 2016.  Please encourage colleagues / staff to participate before the survey closes.
The survey can be accessed by following the link
Last Updated on 26th September 2016 by Scottish Care