Occupational Risk Assessment Tool – updated clarification

On Friday September 18 the Care Inspectorate issued a Provider Update featuring information on the COVID-19 occupational risk assessment tool. It has come to their attention that the information provided was out of date and they have therefore included a clarification below:

The Scottish Government has provided additional guidance on the risk and vulnerability assessment process in relation to the specific risk of COVID-19 to individuals in the workplace.

In particular, this is relevant to those staff members who are returning to work after shielding, those who are returning to normal duties after COVID-19 related restrictions, those who are returning to the workplace after working from home or anyone who has a concern about a personal vulnerability to COVID-19.

The tool can be used to assess the risk and enable employers to support staff by introducing suitable controls. The assessment tool allows the employee to complete an individual risk assessment with their manager using the COVID-19 occupational risk assessment tool. This will support staff and managers to agree a course of action on working duties. The tool can be found at the bottom of the guidance linked to above.

Further guidance on COVID-19 individual risk assessment for the workplace can be found here.

Last Updated on 29th September 2020 by Becca