National Health and Social Care Standards – consultation roadshows

National Health and Social Care Standards – consultation roadshows


Healthcare Improvement Scotland and the Care Inspectorate are delivering a series of consultation roadshows on the new National Health and Social Care Standards.  These consultations will be taking place across Scotland to provide information and to gather feedback and responses on the Scottish Government’s public consultation on the draft National Health and Social Care Standards.


The existing National Care Standards are a set of standards for regulated care services in Scotland.  The new draft standards are designed differently and are proposed to be applicable across all social care and healthcare provision.  They are designed to help services understand the quality and standards of care that they should provide to deliver better outcomes.  They will be used by inspectors when carrying out inspections of health and care services, as well as others involved in the planning, assessment, commissioning and delivery of care.


These events are an opportunity to get involved in the public consultation on the National Health and Social Care Standards.

Your feedback on the new draft standards will contribute towards improving the quality of care for people across Scotland.

There will be a short presentation about the broader National Care Standards review, the development work that has happened to date, and the proposed next steps.  There will also be a workshop to facilitate a discussion to allow for providing feedback, suggestions and comments on the draft new standards.


Consultation events:

Monday 14th November, 11:00am – 1pm,  Care Inspectorate, Castle House, Fairways Business Park, Inverness

Wednesday 16th November, 1:30pm – 3:30pm, Stirling Community Hospital (Education Suite),Stirling

Monday 21st November, 11:00am – 1pm, The Suttie Centre, Foresterhill, Aberdeen

Friday 2nd December, 10:00am – 12:00 and 1pm – 3:00pm, Rooms 6A & 6B, Delta House, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, 50 West Nile StreetGlasgow

Thursday 15th December, 10:00am – 12:30, Lecture Theatre
, Clinical Skills
, Western Isles Hospital, Stornoway


To request a place, please email your preferred date and time to: [email protected] or call 01382 207328.  Spaces are limited so you are encouraged to respond as soon as possible.  An email will be sent to confirm your place.

Don’t worry if you are unable to attend, as you will be able to respond to the public consultation from 24 October by following the link on the National Care Standards review website 

Last Updated on 4th November 2016 by Scottish Care

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