National Care Standards Consultation Event for Scottish Care members
January 10, 2017 @ 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Venue: Renfield St Stephens Centre, 260 Bath St, Glasgow G2 4JP
Please register your interest if you would like to attend this upcoming event which will provide an interactive opportunity to hear about the new National Care Standards from the Care Inspectorate, and to share your views on their development.  Your comments will be used to inform Scottish Care’s response to this important consultation, which will shape what the final Care Standards look like when they are launched in 2017.
Henry Mathias from the Care Inspectorate will be in attendance to give a run-through of the Standards and there will be an opportunity to discuss the consultation on the day with Scottish Care.
If you are interested in this event or to book places, visit the Scottish Care website or contact [email protected]
Last Updated on 23rd December 2016 by Scottish Care