Media Statement: Parliamentary report on Scotland’s Economic Performance

Scottish Care welcomes the report on Scotland’s Economic Performance published today (21 June) by the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee of the Scottish Parliament.

For some time Scottish Care has been calling for social care to be recognised as a contributor and driver of the Scottish economy. For too long we have talked about social care as a drain and as a cost.

Across Scotland 1 in 13 individuals are employed in social care and a recent report into the economic impact of the sector has highlighted that the adult social care sector contributes £3.4 billion to the Scottish economy.

We now have clear evidence that the adult social care sector can be valued not only by the high-quality care and support offered to our most vulnerable citizens, but also by its economic contribution to society.

We are pleased to see the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee underline this reality and wholeheartedly support their call to Scottish Government to make social care an economic priority area.

The Committee has stated of social care:

‘As a first step in recognising its importance, the Committee recommends that care becomes a Scottish Government priority sector with a monetary value put on the sector.  The Committee … asks the Scottish Government to put a monetary value on the sector and grant it the same status as the six growth sectors mentioned in the Economic Strategy.’

Dr Donald Macaskill, Scottish Care CEO said:

“I am delighted that the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee has continued to support the cause of making social care an economic priority. The Welsh Government has recently made this commitment and I call upon the Scottish Government now to make a similar commitment and prioritise social care as an area of economic priority and investment.”





Last Updated on 21st June 2018 by Scottish Care

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