Meallmore Olympics 2021

27 Meallmore teams from across Scotland came together to compete in the Meallmore Olympics 2021.

The games were opened to three categories of teams within the Meallmore Group. These were:

  • Staff teams
  • Residents from specialist homes
  • Residents from care of the elderly homes.

The teams had to design and decorate their own flags, create and sing their own personal national anthem for their team, decide on a resident captain and agree on a suitable team name.

All the teams then participated in four Olympic events over four days. These events consisted of:

  • Come fly with me – paper aeroplane design and flying competition.
  • Basketball challenge – throwing ping pong balls into a basket, the person with the most balls into the basket in the shortest time was the winner.
  • Laundry triathlon  – folding clothes, the person who folded a cross section of clothes in the shortest period of time was the winner
  • Synchronised hoovering

The event concluded on Sunday with a celebration and special meal in all of the care homes. Winners were also awarded for all the categories above.

The team winning the most categories and thus attaining the most points was awarded Meallmore Champions 2021.

This year the Meallmore Care of the Elderly Olympic Champions are Belleaire House in Greenock and the Meallmore Specialist Care Home Olympic Champions are Daviot Care Home in the Highlands (the Drumboe Unit).

Please find the links below to the Meallmore Olympics 2021 opening and closing ceremony:

Meallmore Olympics 2021 – Opening Ceremony

Meallmore Olympics 2021 – Closing Ceremony 

This is the second year running that Meallmore has run this event within all their homes. On both occasion this has been a huge success for all of the residents and staff.

Huge thanks to Meallmore for sharing this story, looks like a lot of fun!

Last Updated on 16th August 2021 by Shanice