Guest post from Local Integration Lead, Janice Cameron

My Hopes

I’ve been asked to write a blog for Scottish Care,  though I’m not sure I’ve got anything interesting to say; I thought that it was only people who have been to exotic places or “High Heid Yins” who write blogs of any interest.

I qualified as a nurse 34 years ago and have had various posts in the NHS and Independent Sector so surely after all those years I must have something of interest to say.

So here I now find myself putting my musings down on paper!!

Recently I had some wonderful news.

My son and his partner are expecting their first child, a first Grandchild for my Husband and I (already I can hear the chorus of “you’re too young to be a Granny”, which echoes my own thoughts !!!) however, I am absolutely over the moon. This got me thinking about the future and my hopes for my Grandchild, what would I hope for them: a happy, healthy, carefree life, safe and secure and surrounded by love.

I then started to think about me as I get older, what are the hopes for my future?

Will I always be independent, healthy, living in my own home or will I require the help of the services which myself and colleagues across Scotland are trying to ensure as part of Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs), which are person-centred, flexible, responsive, innovative and fit for purpose?

As Integration and Improvement Leads, myself and my colleagues across Scotland have been involved in many pieces of innovative work around Falls, Social Isolation, Care about Physical Activity, Pressure Ulcers, Palliative Care, My Home Life and many more across very diverse areas and topics.

I have seen the impact that this has made and is making, so my hope for the future is that this continues to happen for a very long time to come.

On a more personal level, I hope as I grow older that I remain part of my community and that whether I am in my own Home or a Care Home, I am treated with dignity, respect and as an individual.

I hope my opinion will always matter and I will remain a valuable member of society and no matter how crabbit or misbehaved I get. I hope the person looking after me, whether that be my family or a carer, has the patience of a saint!!

This is my first attempt at a blog and I notice all good blogs have a quote somewhere so I have one from the Rev Jesse Jackson:

“At the end of the day we must go forward with hope and not backward by fear and division”

I think I have now exhausted my braincells so I hope my husband has the kettle on!


Janice Cameron

Last Updated on 19th July 2017 by Scottish Care

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