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Project Lift Event – Collaboration & Working Across Boundaries
10th December 2020 @ 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Collaborating & Working Across Boundaries
12:30-14:00, 10th December 2020Â
When the COVID19 first appeared in the UK, health and care organisations across Scotland had to respond quickly and often with fast changing information. Working across boundaries came to the fore as teams, pathways, processes, services and working environments changed, even if only for a short time.
But we know that collaboration and working in this way is not just for times of crisis response and doesn’t always look and feel like the pandemic response did. It can be formal or informal, taking place on a small or larger scale, and it can be found in the everyday and in the unusual.
We know leaders are key to how we experience our environment and relationships in the workplace. Being open to, encouraging and enabling working across boundaries are ways that leaders can role model and actively encourage a more collaborative culture. We don’t have to be in a time of crisis to experience this.
Join our conversation where we consider how can we make the most of both the everyday and the crisis lessons we have learned. We invite everyone who is engaged with the health and social care, third and voluntary sector communities to explore experiences and stories around what good leadership at all levels looks like around this topic.
Are you interested in participating in this lively online and interactive session? We are pleased to announce that registration for this community event is now open. Register for free.
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We look forward to seeing all who can join us,
Many thanks,
The Project Lift Team |