The Digital Response Care Homes Group has produced a draft Care Homes Digital Action Plan which captures the current and planned digital activity in care homes and proposes immediate areas of priority in response to COVID19:
A process of wider engagement is now underway to invite members of the care home community across Scotland to shape the action plan by sharing their expertise and perspectives and to identify further areas of priority and future opportunity.
There are 2 ways you can engage in the review of the action plan:
By survey via the website
By participating in an online engagement session hosted by Scottish Care in collaboration with the Care Inspectorate. These sessions will be open to all care providers, managers and staff.
The survey will be open until the 6th November 2020.
If you would like to take part in the online engagement session please select your preferred date by signing up here:
The session will take place on Zoom and there are two options to join either Tuesday 27th October or Friday 6th November.
For more information on the draft action plan and the engagement process please visit the TEC Programme website:
Last Updated on 19th October 2020 by Shanice