Digital Safety Huddle Open Webinar – 3 August

Scottish Care is organising a webinar which focuses on the Digital Safety Huddle Tool that will be rolled out in care homes in some parts of the country from 8th August. Therefore, we strongly encourage care home providers to attend this webinar.

This will take place on Monday 3 August at 1:00 PM. Derek Barron (Erskine) and the NES Digital Team will be available to do a demonstration on this tool and answer any questions you may have.

The webinar is open to all care providers and not just Scottish Care members, registration is required to access this webinar.

Registration link:

After you register, you receive an email from Zoom with a unique link to join the webinar (subject to approval).

Please contact [email protected] if you have any problems accessing this webinar.

Last Updated on 29th July 2020 by Shanice