National Palliative and End of Life Care Education and Development Framework Consultation
NHS Education for Scotland is hosting a number of regional consultation events on the draft of an education and development framework to support palliative and end of life care for the health and social services workforce.
We are seeking representation from NHS Boards, Integration Authorities and partners from Universities, Third, Social and Independent sectors. Leaders; Service/Locality Managers; Learning and Development Leads across the sectors; and individuals who have an interest in, and are involved in providing palliative and end of life care specifically in the community, care homes and the acute sectors.
To book a place at one of these events, please see dates and locations below,and then download the booking form available here and return with your preferred date and venue to [email protected] by 28th October.
Please note, there are limited places available at each event. Notification confirming your place will be sent by email.
If you have any questions about this consultation process please contact Katharine Ross – [email protected]
 Full venue details will be provided with your confirmation email.
Dundee / Perth (VC) Â Â Wednesday 2nd November 14.00-16.30 Â Â Â Royal Victoria Hospital, Dundee with Video Conference access from Perth Royal Infirmary
Lambert       Wednesday 9th November 14.30-17.00     Forth Valley Royal Hospital
Melrose        Thursday 10th November 14.00-16.30      Borders General Hospital
Dunfermline   Wednesday 16th November 14.00-16.30    Queen Margaret Hospital
Kilmarnock    Wednesday 16th November 13.00-16.00   University Hospital Crosshouse
Edinburgh      Thursday 17th November 14.00-16.30      St Columba’s Hospice
Dumfries       Friday 18th November 13.00-16.00         Crichton Hall
Glasgow       Monday 21st November 13.00-16.00       IET Teachers Building
Musselburgh    Wednesday 23rd November 14.00-16.30    Musselburgh
Motherwell    Thursday 24th November 13.00-16.00      Alona Hotel
Glasgow        Thursday 1st December 13.00-16.00      Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel
Aberdeen / Shetland (VC) Â Â Friday 2nd December 14.00-16.30 Â Forrest Grove House, Aberdeen with Video Conference access from Montfield Hospital, Lerwick
VC event  Inverness/ Western Isles   Monday 5th December 14.00-16.30   VC enabled coming from CFHS Inverness, Stornoway and Uist & Barra Hospital
Other sites on request   If you wish to join by VC from another location please provide full details of your VC unit.
Inverness      Tuesday 6th December 14.00-16.30       Inverness
Last Updated on 12th October 2016 by Scottish Care