An important update from the Care Inspectorate
The Care Inspectorate are always looking to support improvement by promoting and showcasing best practice and innovation in services who care for and support people living with dementia. This inspection year 2016/17 they will be carrying out 150 dementia focused inspections in care homes for older people across Scotland.
The services having this type of inspection have been randomly selected and will give a national picture of how the Dementia Standards have been applied into practice and changed the lived experience of people living with dementia.
The Care Inspectorate are hoping to be able to show how care homes are supporting people to live with meaning and purpose, staying connected to their families and communities and having their health needs met. There may be areas for development and improvement and they are committed to work in partnership to see positive changes.
For more information and links to resources please go to:Â
Heather Edwards, the Care Inspectorate’s Dementia Consultant, would be happy to provide support to your service over the coming weeks & months in relation to dementia practice. Â She can be contacted at [email protected]
Last Updated on 20th June 2016 by Scottish Care