Covid-19 useful resources



Mother's Day personalised videos - Your Big Day TV

Mothers Day is normally the busiest day in the year for families getting together. Sadly the Coronavirus emergency makes all that impossible this Sunday. Hugs and kisses are right off the agenda. But there is a new way you can stay in touch - by sending one of the special personalised videos Your Big Day has created.  Geared to the date and year your Mum was born or got married (any year between 1917 to 2002), they are ordered online - and delivered online within minutes, for instant viewing on Mum’s mobile or on a care home computer.  Your own personal message (created when you order) appears onscreen at the start of the video.

Staying in touch with older relatives

A BBC article with helpful information on what to consider when using/buying tech to support engagement with older people

No one left behind: Digital Scotland

SCVO-led online community around how to help those digitally excluded. Establishing a national digital emergency response team to find, equip, train & support households who currently lack access to the internet at home due to poverty or vulnerability

Screen usage guide

Covid-19 has meant that most of us are using technology and spending time in front of a screen increasingly. Here is a useful guide with tips to ensure that you take control of your screen time and create healthy habits.



Keeping well and finding support  - Outside the Box

A great selection of resources for supporting community connectedness & mental wellbeing as well as a range of practical resources e.g. for parents & families

Age Scotland website

A guide on practical ways to help older people and helpline information




Expanding the nursing workforce: safe and effective options - Nursing Times

A set of principles to apply to nursing students at this time to ensure safety and standards are upheld


Description of risk categories

Jason Leitch, Clinical Director at Scottish Government, describes different at risk groups and what they should do


Home working and coronavirus spam emails

Advice from Police Scotland on cybersecurity at this time


ACAS advice for employers and employees

Employment information relating to social isolation, sick pay, etc


Business continuity advice - Scottish Enterprise

A list of websites that give useful information on business continuity for employers & businesses

Coronavirus advice helpline for Scottish businesses

A new helpline to supply Scottish businesses with tailored advice on coronavirus. Open Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:30, based at Scottish Enterprise's call centre in Clydebank.





Care Inspectorate FAQs

Common questions received by the regulator in relation to Covid-19