Citation Webinar – Updated agenda: COVID-19 & The Good Work Plan

Webinar:  COVID-19 and how this relates to The Good Work Plan 

First identified in Wuhan City, China, you’ve no doubt been following the rapid rise in cases of coronavirus in the news over the last few weeks.

In light of this, Citation will be giving a brief update regarding on the topic, particularly given the questions this raises regarding employment status, rights and sick pay entitlement.

Click here to read Citation’s answers to some of most frequently asked questions they’ve had around both the Health & Safety and HR and Employment Law implications of coronavirus, plus their practical steps on how to move forward safely and keep your people and premises safe.

Gillian McAteer – experienced solicitor and the Head of Employment Law of Preferred Supplier, Citation – will be hosting a webinar discussing The Good Work Plan, dubbed as ‘the biggest overhaul of employment law in 20 years’. This webinar will take place on Friday 20th March at 11:00am. It will specifically discuss how the programme of reforms will affect care providers in Scotland.

As the news agenda of 2019 was been dominated by Brexit and the general election, these legislative changes have somewhat gone under the radar – with research carried out by Citation suggesting one-third of employers are still unaware of the Good Work Plan, some are incorrectly calculating holiday pay, and many are not prepared for the changes.

Notable changes that Gill will discuss include:

  • An increase in the holiday pay calculation period;
  • Increased protection for agency workers;
  • A written statement of particulars of employment from day one.

Link to join:

Webinar ID: 694-995-065

Free guides and resources for Scottish Care Members

Ahead of the webinar, Scottish Care members are free-to-access Citation’s most popular relevant resources:

Citation’s complete archive of free guides and resources can be accessed here.

Last Updated on 17th March 2020 by Shanice