Celebrating Nursing in Social Care Virtual Event -12 May

We are delighted to publish the morning and afternoon programme for our virtual event on Thursday 12 May 2022 to celebrate International Nurses Day.

This event, hosted by our Transforming Workforce Lead for Nursing, Dr Jane Douglas, will run from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm on Microsoft Teams.

The morning session will focus on celebrating social care nursing, with a number of keynote speakers to raise awareness of nursing in the social care sector, the launch of a new nursing insights report and career nurses sharing their journey of becoming a care home nurse.

The afternoon session will look at highlighting the value of care homes as a practice learning environment. This session will be hosted by Donna Craig – Senior Educator, Nursing and Midwifery Practice Education & Pre-registration, NHS Education for Scotland. Attendees will get to hear from care home providers and their experience of supporting pre-registration nursing students and using their care homes as a practice learning environment. Attendees will also get the chance to ask questions during a Q & A session.

This event is free and open to everyone, including students, care home and care at home providers. If you are interested in attending this event, please register on: https://scottishcare.org/nursing-event-2022-12-may-registration-form/

Those who register will receive a Teams invite a few days before the event. Please contact [email protected] if you come across any issues.

If you come along to the event, we encourage you to tweet on the day, sharing your thoughts and comments using hashtags #IfeelIseeIimagine and #hereforlife.

Nurse Event 2022 Programme (3)

Last Updated on 16th May 2022 by Shanice