Working in partnership, the Scottish Government, NHS Education for Scotland, Scottish Social Services Council, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland are delivering 4 conferences across the country for all relevant health and social care staff including independent contractors and care providers.
The focus of the events is to provide staff with the skills, knowledge and confidence to implement the new model Complaints Handling Procedures for the NHS and Social Work which will be introduced in April 2017, as well as understand the social care complaints process. The events will also enable staff to prepare themselves and their teams for the introduction of the new Duty of Candour, which will come into force on 1 April 2018.
These free events will run from 9.30am – 4.30pm and will be held in:
Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Clydebank 2 March 2017
Perth Concert Hall 9 March 2017
Edinburgh International Conference Centre 16 March 2017
Stirling Court Hotel 23 March 2017
The events will provide the opportunity to learn from the experiences of colleagues across health and social care. There will be a range of presentations, including a keynote address from the Scottish Government and also a conversation with a carer around their experience. In addition, there will be a series of interactive workshops which will provide you with the information and tools you need to meet the requirements of the new model Complaints Handling Procedures and also help to understand your roles and responsibilities under the Duty of Candour which applies to all health and social care staff in Scotland. NHS Education for Scotland will monitor applications so that, where possible, there is a mixture of staff across all the workshops. You will be able to attend 4 workshops from the following options:
Power of Apology
Are you unsure of when to apologise? Is sorry really the hardest word to say? This session will explore the barriers to giving an apology and saying sorry as well as providing some tools which will support staff in the frontline. It will also outline what an apology is, as well as good practice in providing one.
Dorothy Armstrong, DA Professional
NHS and Social Work model Complaints Handling Procedures
SPSO will take you through an overview of the new model complaints handling procedures that will come into force as of 1 April 2017. The key areas covered in this workshop will be:
- The definition of a complaint
- Recognising feedback, comments and concerns
- Details of the two-stage process
- Governance arrangements
This will be an interactive session and will involve working in groups for further discussion.
John Stevenson and Alison Bradley, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
Duty of Candour – Roles and Responsibilities
The session will enable participants to hear more about the Duty of Candour and the implications on roles and responsibilities for staff and organisations. It will cover the main aspects of the Duty and allow participants to consider their readiness for the implementation of the Duty and also share experiences of openness and learning with other participants.
Craig White and Michelle Campbell, Scottish Government
Jane Davies, NHS Education for Scotland & Laura Wylie, Scottish Social Services Council
Adverse Events in Health and Social Care
Healthcare Improvement Scotland published a National Framework for learning from adverse events through reporting, review and the sharing of learning in September 2013 and refreshed the Framework in April 2015. It includes a national definition of an adverse event, guidance on reporting, accountability, responsibilities and learning, and principles for an open, just and positive safety culture. The principles of this framework applies to all health and care settings.
The adverse event national programme of work supports a consistent national approach to identification, review, reporting and learning from adverse events based upon national and international good practice and promotes the sharing of learning points following adverse event reviews. It also supports a consistent approach to Being Open and communicating well with people following an adverse event which directly links with the new duty of candour provisions in the Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Act 2016.
In this awareness raising session, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde will share their experiences of implementing the national approach to adverse events and how effective management of adverse events includes being candid, open and communicating well with the people affected.
Julie McQueen, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Nanisa Feilden, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Social Care Complaints and Duty of Candour
The Care Inspectorate occupies a unique position in the UK of being the only regulator that also takes and investigates complaints regarding registered care services. We are responsible for the scrutiny and improvement of care and social work across Scotland. We regulate some 14,000 care services for children and adults and carry out joint inspections of care services with other scrutiny partners.
This workshop will give the attendee an overview of how the care inspectorate deals with complaints from the perspective of:
- using risk assessment to inform the action it takes
- supporting improvement in service delivery
- the impact of the Duty of Candour.
We all share a common purpose as partners in health and social care – and that is to ensure the best possible outcomes for people using care services. Promoting improvement is very much at the heart of what we do.
Marie Paterson, Service & Complaints Manager, The Care Inspectorate
Meetings with Families and Difficult Conversations
Meeting with patients, families and carers provides a unique opportunity as an organisation to:
- Listen, understand and sometimes learn from their experience
- An opportunity to apologise
- Staff to explain face to face the detail of care that was and is provided
- Alleviate fear and provide closure
- Avoid complaints or escalation
This workshop will present the experiences of NHS Forth Valley and enable participants to understand the practicalities and skills required to establish a pool of skilled and trained staff to meet with families and have difficult conversations regarding harm caused or provision of care that falls below expected standards.
Karen Maclure, NHS Forth Valley
If you are interested in attending, please email the completed application form to
[email protected]
Please indicate preferred venue:
Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Clydebank 2 March 2017 ☐
Perth Concert Hall 9 March 2017 ☐
Edinburgh International Conference Centre 16 March 2017 ☐
Stirling Court Hotel 23 March 2017 ☐
You will have the opportunity to attend 4 workshops during the day. Please prioritise your preferences 1-6:
Power of Apology ☐
Human Factors Approach ☐
Model Complaints Handling Procedure ☐
Duty of Candour Roles and Responsibilities ☐
Monitoring and Reporting for Duty of Candour ☐
Meeting with Families/Difficult Conversations ☐
Please advise of any dietary or accessibility requirements you may have:
Applications must be submitted no later than 22 February 2017 and places will be allocated after that date.