Menopause Matters Webinar – 6 February

Scottish Care & alsico – Menopause Matters Webinar 

Exploring Menopause Support in Care Homes (6 February)
1 in 5 care workers say menopause symptoms affect their job performance, and 1 in 10 consider leaving their jobs because of it.

To address this critical issue, Scottish Care is hosting a webinar in collaboration with leading uniform supplier alsico. Building on the success of alsico’s Menopause Matters event at the Care Show last year (learn more here), which brought together some of the UK’s largest care providers—this webinar will focus on practical ways to support staff navigating menopause.

Date: Thursday 6 February
Time: 2pm – 3pm
Location: Teams Webinar

Speakers include:

  • Caroline Deane – Scottish Care
  • Sara Catanzaro – Alsico
  • Flora Neville – Citation
  • Pauline Ritchie – Oakminster Healthcare
  • Alyson Vale – Abbotsford Care
  • Rachel Payne – Bandrum Nursing Home

Topics will cover:

  • Misconceptions about menopause and how to address them
  • The importance of uniform considerations in care homes
  • Exploring practical menopause policies
  • Insights from care home providers implementing menopause-friendly practices

This webinar will share resources, explore ideas, and foster collaboration within Scotland’s care sector to create more supportive workplaces.

Register here

Join us to continue the vital work of improving menopause awareness and support for care workers across Scotland.

Moving from Talk to Action on Bereavement – Online Event (23 January 2024)

 The Bereavement Charter Group and Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief  is organising an online event on ‘Moving from Talk to Action on Bereavement: Improving Signposting’.

Date: Tuesday 23 January 2024
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: Online via Zoom

This will be first in a series of events to discuss how we in the bereavement sector in Scotland can work together to achieve positive change.

The event is for anyone who feels they can play a role in improving signposting to available bereavement support in Scotland.

Find out more about the event and sign up on: Moving from Talk to Action on Bereavement: Improving Signposting Tickets, Tue 23 Jan 2024 at 14:00 | Eventbrite

Digital Health & Care Leadership Programme – Open for Aug 2023

Applications are now open for Cohort 21 of the Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme (DLP).  This programme will start in August 2023 and is designed for anyone who is:

  • Interested in digital health and care
  • Keen to explore how technology can benefit people
  • Would like to develop their leadership skills
  • In a position to make a change in their organisation (e.g. leading a team, service or digital transformation project)

As part of the programme, participants will progress a digital improvement project within their organisation.  There will be an opportunity to develop their project idea in the early stages of the programme. You can find projects from past participants on our DLP site. Potential projects ideas could include:

  • Introducing a digital referral method
  • Introducing remote health monitoring for patients/service users
  •  Harnessing service user data (e.g., creating dashboards) in a way which allows improvements to services to be made
  • Leading on a system roll out in your organisation
  • Adoption of an M365 app in your service
  • Evaluation of a digital service which has been introduced into your organisation
  • Roll out of technology enabled care devices or service
  • Adoption of a decision support tool
  • Utilising prescribing data to improve patient care
  • Introducing and evaluating Near Me remote consultations / Near Me group consultations for patients/service users to improve access to services
  • Introducing, improving or evaluating digital technology to share targeted and specific treatment/intervention based information with people using services

Applications are welcome from employees NHS Scotland, social care, housing and the third sector.  Multidisciplinary team applications from those who wish to work collaboratively on a project are also welcome. More information about the programme, including application guidance can be found on the DLP site.  Any queries should be directed to [email protected]  and you can also follow the programme on Twitter at @nes_dlp.

DLP Cohort 21

Download flyer

Care Inspectorate Webinar – 23 March 2023

We are delighted to welcome colleagues from the Care Inspectorate to our next webinar on Thursday 23 March 2023 at 2:00 pm. Mike Andrews,  Service Manager and George McMillian, Team Manager from the Care Inspectorate will be hosting this session.

The Care Inspectorate will discuss using the Quality Frameworks including Key Questions and Quality Indicators for Inspections in 2023/24.  They will further discuss what to expect at an inspection and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

This session will help you be aware of focus for inspections next year.

Please note that this webinar is on Microsoft Teams instead of Zoom. Registration is required, you will be sent an email invite a day before the session.

Please use the registration form below:

Care Inspectorate Webinar - 23 March 2023

Media statement: ‘If you could invest in one thing, make it the social care workforce’

Scottish Care survey highlights issues linked with resourcing and call monitoring leading to workforce and financial unsustainability for care at home providers.

In January 2023 Scottish Care undertook a survey among its members regarding sustainability within the care at home sector. The survey findings repeated the concerns of independent providers, summarising that management of dwindling resources is unsustainable for the sector. This raises concern on the impact of such conditions on those working in and accessing social care and support, those they support, and the wider health and social care  system. Themes which were also prevalent in the Independent Review of Adult Social Care, including the unanimous statement that ‘if you could invest in one thing, make it the workforce’.

The way that Care at Home support is arranged differs between Local Authorities yet consistent themes of financial and staffing concerns were prevalent. Other contextual factors raised included an increase in the number of procured 15-minute visits by Local Authorities and the impact of punitive bandings attached to electronic monitoring systems.

The survey revealed that over half of respondents had handed back packages of care delivery hours to their local councils due to an insufficiency in funding to cover increased cost of living and staffing costs such as travel. The lack of appropriate and consistent funding made it difficult to recruit and retain staff. One provider specified that their staff were being recruited by the NHS and agencies where they can be paid more than the increasingly insufficient social care rate set by Government. Friday’s announced uplift for the NHS has widened this gap further, with a hospital cleaner now earning more than a qualified and professionally registered care worker.

Electronic call monitoring was also highlighted in the survey as a tool that, when improperly used, contributed to staff dissatisfaction. Whilst providers recognise that electronic call monitoring could be used to evidence care delivery and to support staff safety when working out in the community yet raised that when this tool was improperly used it made it difficult for staff to apply the personal touch needed for quality care due to its focus on time and task-driven delivery. Additionally, it was at times used by councils to ration funding. Furthermore, most respondents highlighted that they have had to reduce visits with longer travel times, as procurement practice in some areas does not consider the time needed to travel between individuals’ homes and does not adequately compensate staff when an appointment is cancelled at late notice.

Overall, survey respondents reiterated their concerns of how insufficient investment coupled with inadequate commissioning and procurement practices are making the social care sector unsustainable. Recruitment and retention remain a top concern with providers explaining that rising service costs and the costs of living which staff face were not being adequately addressed in pay. Incorporating cost-of-living raises into staff contracts and offering a consistent income were seen as credible solutions for most of the surveyed providers. These solutions were suggested to improve staff retention and quality of care, however it would be impossible to implement without an increase in funding from local councils.

The question remains, now 2 years on from the independent review, are we ready to face the true costs of providing care or should we remain on our crisis led journey into the unknown. Scottish Care is calling for an immediate uplift to all social care staff to £12 per hour.

– Ends –

For more information or media requests, please contact: [email protected]

Citation Business Briefing – 7 December

Must-attend care event exclusively for Scottish Care members

In partnership with Citation, join us for a free face to face essential care briefing where we’ll share the very best tips and tricks to getting inspection ready and solidify your compliance procedures.

Events Details:

DATE: Wednesday 7th December 2022
EVENT TIME: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
LOCATION: Glasgow Marriott Hotel, 500 Argyle Street, Glasgow, G3 8RR


Citation’s expert speaker, Flora Neville, will cover the hottest topics in Health & Safety, HR and Employment Law and must-knows to consider for your care business.

Plus, we’re delighted to be joined by Citation’s Care Business Manager and former CQC inspector, Mick Feather, who will cover why effective Quality Assurance is so important for driving improvement and share his top tips to assess and monitor your governance processes to prevent deterioration into ‘Weak and Unsatisfactory’ gradings and build a culture of quality and safety.


For more information email [email protected].

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Professional Development Award – Technology Enabled Care

NHS Education for Scotland have announced that funding is available for the Professional Development Award in Technology Enabled Care. This is delivered in partnership with the University of the Highlands and Islands, Perth College.

The Professional Development Award (PDA) in Technology Enabled Care at SCQF level 7 aims to equip Scotland’s workforce with the knowledge and skills required to embed Technology Enabled Care into health and social care practice while supporting positive health and wellbeing outcomes for people.

Applications will close on Thursday 24 November 2022, 5:00 pm.

Please see flyer below for more information.

Autumn Bulletin 2022

This year’s Autumn bulletin has now been published online and is available to view.

We will not be sending out physical copies of the Bulletin, this edition is in a digital format instead.

We are in the process of redesigning our quarterly Bulletins. If you have any feedback or ideas of what you’d like to see in the Bulletin, please get in touch at [email protected].

Autumn Bulletin 2022 (1)-compressed