Opportunity for nurses to join the Short Life Working Group

At the annual conference this year one of the Insight Sessions was on ‘Transforming Nursing Roles within Care Homes’ – one of the sub groups, chaired by Jacqui Neil (Scottish Care) and Derek Barron (Erskine) is looking at Nursing in Care Homes ‘Role, Scope of Practice and Competencies’.

The group is looking for an additional one or two nurses, to join the current nurses on the Short Life Working Group, to provide a frontline nursing perspective to the work.  If you are interested in joining the group and can make two or three meetings in the Glasgow area over the next three/four months please contact Kim McGibbon ([email protected]).

Thank you

Jacqui and Derek

TV licensing in care homes

I had a recent enquiry regards TV licences and contacted TV Licence on 0300 790 6011 and checked the website and summary as below:

The Care Home is responsible for purchasing the one communal room full fee regardless of how many sitting rooms there are – this is one overall cost. 

Each bedroom or living space resided by the service user that has a TV must have an ARC Concessionary TV Licence at a cost of £7.50, therefore each of your service users must have one if they have a TV. This is paid online: https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one

HOWEVER, this applies if they watch the TV.  It could be they watch DVD’s through the TV or they listen to Free-view radio stations so that does not apply, but only if watching the TV.

Kind regards


Swaran Rakhra

Membership Support Manager

NES: Care Home Train the Trainer Workshop

Registration – Cohort 8 of the Care Home Train the Trainer Workshop – 25th February and 3rd March 2020

Registration is now open for Cohort 8 of the Care Home Train the Trainer Workshop which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 25th February and Tuesday 3rd March 2020 at the Scottish Health Service Centre, Crewe Road South, Edinburgh, EH4 2LF. This programme is organised by NHS Education for Scotland.

The trainer programme covers:

  • Infection prevention and control education focussing on the Standard Infection Control Precautions and Transmission Based Precautions
  • Specific infections in care homes, outbreak management and blood borne viruses
  • Understanding impact of human factors, quality improvement in practice and translating learning into practice
  • Learning from previous cohort’s experience of the training and how this has been applied locally in practice

Please register through the following link on the flyer: https://response.questback.com/nhseducationforscotland/trainthetrainercohort8

The closing date to register is Monday, 13th January 2020.

Train the trainer

Movie Memories: Dementia friendly movie screenings

Movie Memories is a monthly programme funded by Life Changes Trust and ran by the Glasgow Film Theatre (GFT). This programme presents classic and contemporary film screenings alongside a programme of multi-arts entertainment. 

This programme is designed especially for people affected by dementia. This encompasses people living with a type of dementia and their carers, friends and family. 

With dementia aware staff and volunteers (Movie Memories Ambassadors) a safe and social environment is created where everyone is welcome.

Why is this programme important?

A new case of dementia is diagnosed somewhere in the world every four seconds. This is something we can’t ignore, particularly as 34% of the 850,000 people currently living with dementia in the UK don’t feel part of their community, 61% felt anxious or depressed recently and 40% felt lonely. (Data from Alzheimer’s Society). 

Calamity Jane Singalong

The next event takes place on Thursday 23 January 2020 at 11:00 am where there will be a Calamity Jane Singalong. Tickets are priced at £3.00 and includes free refreshments and an interval with live music. For more information see: https://glasgowfilm.org/shows/movie-memories-calamity-jane-sing-along-u

Dementia Friendly eNewsletter

You can also sign up to the monthly Dementia Friendly eNewsletter to be the first to hear news and updates about dementia friendly events at the Glasgow Film Theatre: https://glasgowfilm.org/enewsletters


Care home survey on SDS & private funders

Scottish Care as part of our continued work in developing a sustainable care home sector is undertaking a short survey and invites you to take part.

This survey on self-directed support and self-funders will play an important role in our ongoing strategy around the NCHC negotiations and wider sustainability.

You can access the survey and further information here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/carehome19 

We would be very grateful if you could take some time to complete it or pass it to a colleague who is most connected to this area of your service. 

The closing date is 20 December.

Information on ICO Data Protection Fee for Members

Dear Colleagues,

A member was in touch with Scottish Care last week about a letter they received from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) with regards payment of a data protection fee.  As stated on the letter If you hold personal information (including names and addresses) on any electronic device, you probably need to pay.  Members of Scottish Care should be aware that letters are being sent out to all care providers whether in the NHS or Social Care and many other sectors regards this.

I have collated some information below which is available on the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) website https://ico.org.uk

Information Commissioners Office (ICO)

On 25 May 2018, the Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018 (the 2018 Regulations) came into force, changing the way we fund our data protection work.

Under the 2018 Regulations, organisations that determine the purpose for which personal data is processed (controllers) must pay a data protection fee unless they are exempt.

The new data protection fee replaces the requirement to ‘notify’ (or register), which was in the Data Protection Act 1998 (the 1998 Act).

Although the 2018 Regulations come into effect on 25 May 2018, this doesn’t mean everyone now has to pay the new fee. Controllers who have a current registration (or notification) under the 1998 Act do not have to pay the new fee until that registration has expired.

If you hold personal information (including names and addresses) on any electronic device, you probably need to pay.  More information is available on:  https://ico.org.uk

Members of Scottish Care should be aware that letters are being sent out to all care providers whether in the NHS or Social Care and many other sectors regards this.

If you are unsure in whether you require paying a fee there is a helpful self-assessment tool which may help and also a helpline number, you can call the ICO: 0303 123 1113

There are three different tiers of fee and controllers are expected to pay between £40 and £2,900. The fees are set by Parliament to reflect what it believes is appropriate based on the risks posed by the processing of personal data by controllers.

The tier you fall into depends on:

  • how many members of staff you have;
  • your annual turnover;
  • whether you are a public authority;
  • whether you are a charity; or
  • whether you are a small occupational pension scheme.
  • Not all controllers must pay a fee. Many can rely on an exemption.

Tier 1 – Micro Organisations

You have a maximum turnover of £632,000 for your financial year or no more than 10 members of staff. The fee for tier 1 is £40.

Tier 2 – Small and Medium Organisations

You have a maximum turnover of £36 million for your financial year or no more than 250 members of staff. The fee for tier 2 is £60.

Tier 3 – Large Organisations

If you do not meet the criteria for tier 1 or tier 2, you have to pay the tier 3 fee of £2,900. We regard all controllers as eligible to pay a fee in tier 3 unless and until they tell us otherwise.

Working out your data protection fee

Calculating members of staff

For the purpose of working out the fee, ‘members of staff’ is defined broadly to include all your employees, workers, office holders and partners. Your number of members of staff is the average number working for you during your financial year. Each part-time staff member is counted as one member of staff.

Kind regards,


Swaran Rakhra

Membership Support Manager, Scottish Care