Care Home Week 18: Being Human

Marnie MacDonald from Scottish Care, Aberdeen City presented at the Being Human Conference hosted by C-Change Scotland, which focused on Human Rights and Self Directed Support. Scottish Care was part a range of influential speakers on the subject as well as stories from individuals whose lives have been transformed for the better. Scottish Care covered the topic of Enabling Human Rights.

During 2013-2016 Scottish Care was involved in a major piece of work, prior to the current engagement project, on Enablement.

The Enablement Project focused on personalised planning and working with teams to create enabling support plans. Enabling support plans are holistic assessments of the service user and their abilities, with the focus being on a whole person approach and optimising of abilities.

An enabling support plan captures all necessary needs and information about an individual:

  • Physical
  • Sensory
  • Cognitive
  • Spiritual
  • Environmental

With recording the necessary information and providing it to all staff, this ensures a consistent form of support and allows changes to be monitored and addressed, whether positive or negative, effectively.


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