Care Home Conference 2022


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“More than four walls”

Scottish Care’s Annual Care Home Conference & Exhibition – 18 November 2022

Scottish Care hosted the 23rd National Care Home Conference & Exhibition for the year 2022 on Friday 18 November 2022.

During Care Home Day 2022, Scottish Care posed the question – what do you wish people knew about care homes? The response was clear: that they are more than four walls.

As we head both deeper into the cost of living and economic crisis, and further along the path of social care reform, what is consistently apparent is the need for clearer understanding, recognition and valuing of what social care, and the care home sector in particular, offers Scotland and its citizens. The misunderstandings and misrepresentations remain commonplace and undermine efforts to make real and meaningful change.

This conference aimed to change that, providing a platform to raise awareness of the many ways in which care home support is about so much more than a building or setting but instead is about people, about relationships and about life. By hearing from voices of experience within the social care and independent sector, the conference explored the

contribution of care home providers, staff and communities to people’s lives, to health and social care, to society and to the future.

In relation to older people’s care, the independent sector provides 90% of care home places for older people in Scotland and employs nearly 45,000 individuals. The conference focused on those who work in and with the independent care home sector as experts, providing an invaluable opportunity for delegates to hear first-hand from those who play a crucial role in the design and delivery of social care and support now and into the future.

This 300 delegate conference addressed key policy themes including progress towards a National Care Service, the independent review of inspection, scrutiny and regulation, and the Covid-19 Inquiry. It also tackled practical challenges facing the sector including the cost of living crisis, sustainability and reform of the National Care Home Contract.

Through a refreshed programme, delegates also had the opportunity to shape discussions in the themes of workforce, nursing and technology.

Thanks to our 66 exhibitors for showing their support for this conference, Scottish Care, members and delegates! Special thanks to Lyreco for sponsoring our name badges. Thanks also to Room to Breathe/Insite Specialist Services for sponsoring/supplying the EventCair System to provide an extra layer of protection against Covid-19 and other Winter respiratory illnesses.

Special thanks to our sponsors and exhibitors!

#morethan4walls #carehome22