› Scottish Care Events
More than four walls – Insight Sessions
Open Space: creating conversationsÂ
Caroline Deane – Workforce Policy & Practice Lead, Scottish Care
Nicola Cooper – Technology & Digital Innovation Lead, Scottish Care
Dr Jane Douglas – Transforming Workforce Lead for Nursing, Scottish Care
This session aims to bring together those individuals working in care homes across Scotland to have conversations around the future role of nurses and nursing care in care homes. This important discussion hopes to spark ideas as to where nurses should be positioned to best support residents living in care homes and create a potential new model of nursing care delivery. These conversations can include the upskilling of social care staff and how we can enhance integrated health and social care delivery with use of digital and technology support and devices.Â
Getting social: using social media in social care  Â
Kirsty Cartin – Rashielee Care Home
Rachel Payne – Bandrum Care Home
Brian Murray – Abbey Court Care Home
A member-led session where colleagues from different care homes will share their experiences of using social media in different ways to share information and experiences. It will provide a practical opportunity to hear about the benefits, risks and to ask any questions you might have. Â
Legal focus: law, legislation and inquiries
Brodies LLP
This session will aim to cover:Â
- an overview of civil duties (employer’s/public/occupier’s liability) and health and safety duties with reference to cases relevant to the sector; setting out the key duties, the key consequences of a breach and providing practical tips; and Â
- an update on the Scottish and UK Covid Inquiries.Â
Inclusive design: insights from research and practice   Â
BDA Scotland
A brief insight into findings from the Deaf Dementia Research Report for Care Homes in Scotland. Deaf people with dementia and care homes in Scotland – Navigating effective care home service provision in Scotland for Deaf people with dementia and their families.Â
The power of partnership
Partners for Integration Team – Scottish Care
Part of this session will cover the Proud to Care: LGBT and Dementia Project, focusing on:Â
- A Guide for Health and Social Care ProvidersÂ
- People from the LGBT community often face barriers to accessing good health and social care support and even when they can access care, it sometimes fails to meet their specific needs.
Business focus: energy solutions
Emily Berry – Partnership Manager, Utility Aid
Steve Wilson – Managing Director, Focus Business Consultancy
Emily Berry Partnership Manager at Utility Aid will be discussing Energy Bill Saving Tips and potential areas of cost reduction and recovery. Â
- Across the board, inaccurate bills are an issue. They made up more than 40% of the problems energy customers came to the Citizens Advice consumer helpline for support with during 2020. Â Â
Steve Wilson Managing Director at Focus Business Consultancy will provide a brief overview of Â
- The UK’s energy market and its recent challenges Â
- Brokerage – good and bad practicesÂ
- Industry insight and points to consider to help your business secure the best prices for your energy.Â
Culture change in social care; what matters and what works?   Â
University of the West of Scotland
Culture is frequently cited as an enabler or barrier to recruitment, quality and performance in social care, so there are frequent calls for culture change. Yet evidence on what matters and works in culture change in the social care context has been lacking. There have been many studies on culture themes in health care, especially hospitals, but few in care homes and home care services. This presentation will outline what culture means, and why it matters in social care; review the key lessons from studies in health care culture change on what works; and set out a vision for future funded research so that an evidence base on culture change in social care can be developed in Scotland.Â
Find the ‘me’ in dementia: using music in person-centred careÂ
Playlist for Life
Join Playlist for Life’s Vice Chair and the first ‘Music Detective’, Andy Lowndes, to hear about the recent updates to the growing evidence-base for personalised playlists, witness the real impact they can have for people affected by dementia, and learn how to use this simple but highly effective tool. Everyone has a soundtrack to their life, and anyone can become a Music Detective. Let us show you how!Â
Meaningful activities: supporting residents to flourishÂ
Gardening Activity: More than four walls – TrellisÂ
Gardening activity is inspiring …. conversation, connection, creativity, wellbeing, fun!Â
Explore how to:
- Support those you care for to flourish through gardening activityÂ
- Provide training & support for staff Â
- Integrate gardening activities in your care service to uphold Health and Social Care StandardsÂ
This interactive Insight Session includes information, practical demonstration, and Q&A with industry leader Trellis.   Â
‘I can see pleasure in their eyes and smiles on their faces when doing things with the plants ; some of them may also talk more during the activity. One day, one of the participants told me that thanks to the sessions, she started gardening again’ – Alzheimer day care group, staff member observation.