Care Home Awards 2021 Nomination Form CARE HOME AWARDS 2021 NOMINATION FORM › Care Home Awards Care Home Awards 2021 What award category you are entering: Ancillary & Support Staff Award Nutrition & Eating Well Award Meaningful Activity Award Training, Learning & Staff Development Award Emerging Talent Award Outstanding Achievement Year Management & Leadership Award Palliative & End of Life Care Practise Award Nurse of the Year Award Carer of the Year Award Specialist Service/Unit of the Year Award Care Home Service of the Year Award Positive Impact Award Nominator Details These are the details of the person completing the awards submission. This person will be notified if the application submitted is successful and will be the liaison point for any further information or publicity. Name of nominator: Job title of nominator/how you know the nominee: Telephone number of nominator: Email address of nominator: Nominee Details This is the individual/group/organisation who is being nominated for an award. Name of individual/group/organisation being nominated: Job title/role of person being nominated: Service where nominee is based: Geographical location of service where nominee is based (please provide town/city and Local Authority area): Address of nominee (ideally the service in which they are based). This will be where an Awards certificate will be posted: Individual/organisation Twitter/LinkedIn details (if applicable): I confirm that the service where the nominee is based is a current member of Scottish Care (please tick) Entry details Please refer closely to the information detailed in the Rules and Tips for Award Nominations, as well as the Awards Category Guidelines themselves when completing this section. Referring to the requirements of the category guidelines, please provide some background information as to why you have nominated this individual/team/service: (250 words) Please describe and give some examples of what makes this person/team/service unique and deserving of this nomination. This is an opportunity to highlight what the nominee has achieved and how they did it: (400 words) Please provide at least one recent example of the impact that they have made to you, the service, residents and/or the community: (400 words) Other Information If the nominee is successful, do you consent for the information contained within this nomination to be used in press releases and publicity surrounding the conference and awards? This includes details of each finalist shared at the Awards Ceremony. Yes No By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data inline with this award nomination (please tick) Submit Useful Downloads Nomination Form (Word Version) Awards Category Guidelines Awards Rules & Tips