Care Future Surveys


› Collective Care Future

The first phase of the Collective Care Future programme is now underway, focused on understanding the pandemic experience across many different areas of practice both in care homes and care at home.

If you have experience of working or connecting with care homes or care at home services during COVID-19, we invite you to take part in this survey series to share your experience. We’d love to hear from care providers, front line staff, relatives and loved ones of people supported, individuals in care settings and those working in roles in other sectors or parts of the sector who work alongside care services. You can choose to take part in as many or as few of the surveys as you wish.

Care Practice Survey

We are interested to explore the ways in which the delivery of care and support has changed, across areas such as dementia, palliative and end of life care, assessment and care planning.  It includes ways of delivering care which you may have adopted or been aware of previously and those which you have experienced for the first time during the pandemic.

Workforce Survey

We are interested to explore the impacts of COVID-19 on many different aspects of work in social care. This includes staffing levels, recruitment & induction, skills, training, confidence and future workforce needs.


Profile Survey

In this theme we are interested to explore perceptions of the independent social care sector during the pandemic, relationships with the media, opportunities for enhancing understanding, awareness and profile and the future potential of the sector in relation to its profile.

Technology Survey

We are interested to explore experiences of technology – including digital applications and platforms e.g. Near Me, online information and resources, devices e.g. ipads, laptops etc, and software – which include things you may have used before and those which you have used for the first time during the pandemic.

Partnership Survey

We are interested to explore new or different ways of working with wider health, social care, community and other partners that have developed during COVID-19, what the impact of these partnerships has been on care delivery and what forms of support and/or collaboration have been most valuable.

Wellbeing Survey

We are interested to explore the impacts of COVID-19 on wellbeing for staff, residents, families and people supported as well as the forms, use and value of wellbeing supports.