Vegetarian for Life (VFL) are offering eight 40-minute webinars at 3pm on Tuesday afternoons from 31 January 2017.
The popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets is growing at an unprecedented rate in the UK. There is a growing range of veggie food products in your local shops. This means that the care sector catering is going to have to be prepared to respond to increasing demands for vegetarian and vegan dishes in the planning of menus.
VFL offer help and advice to help care services successfully meet the challenge.
VFL have teamed up with the Vegan Society to create a brand new webinar series, ‘Care catering for vegetarians and vegans’. The webinar series consists of eight 40-minute online seminars that will run at 3pm on Tuesdays from 31 January 2017.
The webinars will cover most things that care staff will need to know about veggie care catering: Including what is a suitable diet to mastering new ingredients; from menu planning to hospital catering for all. Course certification is available.
Vegetarian for Life is the national charity supporting older vegetarians and vegans. They work with the care sector caterers is one of our key priorities.
The main presenters are highlighted as not just knowledgeable about these subjects, but are extremely enthusiastic about catering for vegetarians and vegans.
Trainer Heather Russell is a registered dietitian, and a member of the British Dietetic Association Food Services specialist group. Maggie Lister and Oliver Bragg are roving chefs with Vegetarian for Life. Join the sessions to feel not only informed but also enthused and inspired about all things veggie and vegan.
Register for the webinars here and make developing your skills and catering knowledge a success in 2017. Register Now
For more Information contact:
Kim Stringer – [email protected]
Director (Scotland)
Mobile: 07561 287016
Last Updated on 1st February 2017 by Scottish Care