‘Directed by North Merchiston’ – five extraordinary films with care home residents
As part of Arts & Engagement day (Tuesday 13 June) in Care Home Week 2017, Scottish Care had the opportunity to show the ‘Directed by North Merchiston’ films at the Scottish Social Services Expo in Crieff.
Scottish Care’s Human Rights Project Lead, Carlyn Miller, took colleagues from across the health and social care sector through three of the beautiful films and explained why it is so important that we value older people and view ageing as something to be celebrated.
Carlyn also explained why the films help to articulate the importance of a human rights-based approach to care and support of older people. More information about Scottish Care’s human rights work, including our Care Home Convention, can be found here.
The project was the brainchild of Duncan Cowles, a BAFTA Scotland Award winning documentary filmmaker. He said:
“One of the biggest issues for older generations today is loneliness. I wanted to give the residents of North Merchiston Care Home a voice. So, instead of me coming in with my camera and making films about the people living there, I wanted the residents to think of themselves as the filmmakers and develop the stories they’d personally like to tell.”
The project was commissioned by Luminate, Scotland’s creative ageing festival, and was supported by Scottish Care.
For more information about the films, contact Duncan Cowles –
If you’ve watched the films and want to share your feedback, tweet using the hashtag #carehomeweek17
Last Updated on 13th June 2017 by Scottish Care