NHS Education for Scotland, in collaboration with the Transforming Nursing Roles (TNR) Advanced Practice group, is hosting 3 regional events that will:
- Inform delegates of the national approach to advanced practice and the Scottish Government’s commitment that 500 additional ANPs will be trained by 2021.
- Provide guidance on the Service/education needs analysis that Scottish Government will request all Boards to undertake.
- Share and seek agreement on a set of national clinical competencies for the ANP role in the following areas of practice. These have been identified as national priorities by the TNR groups.
- Paediatrics and neonates
- Acute
- Community and Primary care
- Mental health
We welcome nominations from all advanced practitioners, practitioners/ANPs from the specified 4 clinical areas and service managers and clinical leads who will be involved in undertaking the service/education needs analysis.
Please send nominations to [email protected] by Monday 20th February.
March 20th 10 – 3pm
Glasgow, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
March 24th 10 – 3pm
Aberdeen, Suttie Centre
March 30th 10 – 3pm
Edinburgh, Scottish Health Services Centre
Last Updated on 17th February 2017 by Scottish Care