Action on Elder Abuse Scotland National Conference – 27 October

Action on Elder Abuse Scotland National Conference (in association with Scottish Care)

Choice, Empowerment, Protection.... Can We Achieve Them All?
A human rights-based approach to supporting, empowering & protecting older people

27th October, Hilton Hotel, William Street, Glasgow

  • Is it possible to support and protect adults at risk of harm, while ensuring real choice and empowerment for the individual?
  • How we do we deliver a human rights-based approach to care, support and protection with increasingly stretched resources?
  • How can we best balance human rights and risks in the delivery of care, support and protection?


Two of Scotland's leading representative organisations invite you to join our debate on these issues, and more, at our engaging conference on 27th October.

The conference will run from 10am until 3.50pm, and includes a combination of presentations, debates and workshops. There will also be a range of exhibitors providing information and materials to showcase good practice and provide information.

Who is this conference relevant for?

The conference will be of interest to anyone with an interest in older people, adult support and protection, and human rights, including frontline and managerial staff in:

·         local authorities and other public sector bodies

·         third and independent sector agencies

·         care providers

·         NHS and independent healthcare providers

·         the police and regulatory bodies

·         solicitors and other legal professionals

·         students and academics

The conference will be relevant to both those new to adult support and protection, and experienced practitioners. It will also be of interest to older people and carers with an interest in this area (there will be no delegate fee for older people and unpaid carers).

Key themes and topics

Come along and join the discussion on:

  • whether or not current measures for protecting vulnerable adults in Scotland contain appropriate safeguards and promote individual empowerment
  • managing tensions between individual autonomy and adult support and protection
  • facilitating and promoting human rights in challenging economic circumstances in health and social care
  • balancing human rights and risks in care delivery
  • advocacy and empowerment
  • tackling financial harm in a familial context
  • supporting those who self-neglect

Book your place today!

At only £24+vat for AEA members and £30+vat for non-members, this a conference you can’t afford to miss!

Find out more and book your place here:

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