We are thrilled to have Annie Gunner Logan as our afternoon Chair for the Scottish Care : Care Home Conference this year.
Annie Gunner Logan is the Director of CCPS – the Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland – the national membership body for voluntary and not-for-profit care providers.
Annie began her career in Scotland’s public and voluntary sectors with a Community Programme placement at SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) in 1988, and subsequently held posts in policy, information and public affairs at Children in Scotland and the Health Education Board for Scotland (now NHS Health Scotland).
On behalf of CCPS, Annie serves on a number of Scottish Government advisory and reference groups, including the Health and Community Care Delivery Group and the advisory groups for legislation on Self Directed Support and Health and Social Care Integration. In 2013 she was appointed by the Deputy First Minister to serve on the Expert Working Group on Welfare in an Independent Scotland.
Annie has served as a non-executive member on a range of public and voluntary sector boards, including the UK drug and alcohol treatment charity, Phoenix Futures, where she was Vice Chair, and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). In January 2014 she was appointed as a Non-Executive Director of the Scottish Government.
Annie has a Masters Degree in Social and Public Policy from the University of Edinburgh.
We are delighted that the morning session of the conference will be chaired by Lord Sutherland.
Buy tickets for the Scottish Care : Care Home Conference here:
Last Updated on 26th October 2016 by Scottish Care